Investor Alert
Top Ten Investment Mistakes
Stock Market Carnage - Are Your
Investments Safe?
Under the Microscope: Focus on Lifestyle
or Target-Date Funds
Follies: Bank Deposit Rates VS. Money Market Funds
Auction Rate Securities
Preventing Identity Theft
Biggest Investment Scams
According to State Securities Regulators
Disclosure Plan
With Disaster
NASDAQ Bulletin
Board and Pink Sheet Stocks
Scams and
Yourself From The Most Common Scams
Stock Market Carnage -
Are Your Investments Safe?
How did this happen?
Greed created bubbles in real estate, housing, banking and brokerage. The
problem was exasperated by the management of these financial institutions.
Rather than immediately acknowledge the potential negative developments and be
proactive in raising necessary capital and reducing expenses, most bank
executives totally underestimated the problem or worse yet, totally ignored it.
Banks like Fifth Third Bank, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, actually increased their
dividend early last summer, showing a total disregard toward the financial
environment unfolding around them. Last month, in an all too typical reactive
move, Fifth Third raised capital after the stock had already plunged toward
single digits and - oh yes, you guessed it – dramatically cut the dividend they
recently raised. Last year they could have easily raised capital from a position
of strength rather than the dilutive moves many banks are currently pursuing. We
do not mean to single out Fifth Third, because so many financial institutions
failed to act. Unfortunately this failure to act will extend and broaden the
ripple effects from this credit crisis, which means that investors should
continue to maintain a very selective, cautious approach. Rising energy and food
costs, the negative wealth effect and plunging consumer confidence all will
provide difficult headwinds for equities.
Last summer when subprime first hit investors’ radar, we were concerned that
investors were not fully cognizant of the ramifications and ripple effects of
these subprime loans. Many experts on television were quoting how total subprime
loans were such a small fraction of the overall U.S. economy. It is this drastic
underestimation of the ripple effects, combined with the slow reaction of CEOs
of U.S. financial companies in raising capital, that will prolong and intensify
this crisis to a greater degree from what we even expected. The balance of the
year, Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual are two further names that need some
drastic restructuring now that Fannie and Freddie have their rescue plans
coordinated. In addition, many financials will face much greater scrutiny with
their year end audits. The markets will be facing all of this with the
uncertainty of a presidential election, dramatically slowing economics in the
emerging markets and the likelihood of recessions in much of Europe. On the
positive side, valuations in some industry leaders are becoming fairly
In addition, many areas of the country are still going to experience
significantly lower real estate prices that have yet to be adjusted on bank
balance sheets. In the United States alone there is over $1 trillion of
outstanding home equity loans and as homeowners fall to negative equity, these
loans hit the lenders by immediately turning to unsecured from secured loans.
When you combine this with the disturbing trend of growing vacancies in
commercial real estate and heavy exposure in unsecured construction loans, it is
no wonder investors are finally taking our words of warning to heart, even
though it may have been a much procrastinated response! In addition, banks do
not have nearly the loan-loss reserves that they enjoyed before accounting rules
changes after the Enron scandal. This leads us to believe that it will take at
least 2 – 3 more quarters before the financial clouds begin to lift and a total
assessment of the damage can be made.
Many investors are now laden with numerous positions (how about 138 positions
for an account of approximately $700,000) under a separate account management
program or asset allocation accounts with a vast cross section of mutual funds
representing practically every asset class known to mankind. Both of these
programs do offer diversification and are superior to the concentrated
portfolios of eight years ago, but they do not offer much more than riding the
market’s volatile swings – in both directions. It seems like many investors were
sold on this concept that the rebalancing of one’s portfolio would lessen risk
and help avoid those periods of major losses. Rebalancing may act as a buffer in
a declining market when done properly, but these auto-rebalancing programs done
by asset allocators are flawed and that is why we are seeing so many of these
new accounts coming in, very concerned about their losses.
Rebalancing is a process that must be monitored daily and not automatically done
at certain intervals, like once or twice a year or even quarterly. For example,
if you rebalanced at the end of last quarter, you would have sold some bonds or
bond funds and placed those proceeds in equities like the S&P 500 stock index.
This sounds smart because bonds have outperformed stocks and you’re taking some
profits in bonds to buy stocks near their lows. The problem comes in when you
look at the equity component. Energy’s bubble has increased that sector’s
exposure in the S&P 500 from only 6% eight years ago to over 14% on 6/30/08. So
by rebalancing back into equity, you are adding to an already high weighting in
a frothy sector. Proactive money managers and advisors were locking in gains in
energy, not chasing these high flyers at the time. The same examples can be made
for each of the aforementioned bubbles. Investors in both individual positions
and mutual funds should rebalance continuously based on market swings rather
than some arbitrary date. In October 1987 when the D.J.I.A. lost 22% in one day,
if you would have waited to rebalance until the mid-point of the following year,
you would have missed out on all but the last 100 points of the recovery.
Many inactive or passive accounts have unrealized losses of hundreds of
thousands of dollars, and sadly, had the trust department reduced weighting in
that sector, these losses could have been materially avoided. What to do now?
You will hear more and more talk about raising cash in the weeks to come, but
the time to do it was one year ago when the S & P 500 hit a record high, or
earlier in the summer of 2007 when there were plenty of warning signs that
financial markets were heading out of control. The reactive methods utilized to
fix the credit problems will not only take much longer to take hold (because of
the procrastination), but may in turn establish a new set of problems of which
we are unaware. We are still seeing too many investors taking excess risk in
emerging and international markets, and would recommend a significant
under-exposure in the area, as many of their problems will take even longer than
America’s to remedy.
When you can reduce risk and improve long term performance, you have the best of
both worlds but investors must be proactive to take advantage of such extremes
and volatility. Once again, following the herd and chasing the much-loved
financials one year ago proved to be a tough lesson for the average investor to
learn. These markets are so volatile that it will continue to be critical to
remain disciplined and take advantage of the swings in both directions, but
selectively buying into current sizeable weakness seems prudent.
For the past decade investors have just jumped from one investment category to
another, chasing performance without taking into consideration any measure of
risk. For ten years now, passive investors are showing a lost decade of no gains
whatsoever in the S&P 500. Investors who chased performance have suffered
startling negative returns, but investors who have utilized these extremes to
their advantage by strategically taking profits, avoiding the tech/internet
craze in 2000, the housing and real estate bubble and the more recent emerging
markets and commodity bubbles have done well with a far lesser degree of risk.
Which brings us to what may turn out to be one of the most expensive sources of
the problem, and that is the lack of direction by many advisors. Here are some
of the biggest mistakes and most costly errors we have seen with the recent
market turmoil as well as over the past three decades:
1. Complacency - We've lost count of how many times new clients have told us
their advisor did nothing during events like what we have experienced since last
summer. If statements like "be patient, the market will come back" or "you are
diversified, don't worry" ring familiar, it has most likely proved costly to
your portfolio.
2. Costs - we are still seeing large accounts - many of which are taxable - that
are in mutual funds or separately managed accounts (SMAs) with high costs. In
many cases, the unsuspecting investor is not even aware of the total cost of
their investment program. Investors must factor in annual expense ratios,
commission costs, and any front end loads & 12b-1 fees just to get an idea of
the costs behind their investments. Keep in mind that according to Lipper, your
after-tax return was reduced by anywhere from 17-44% over the past decade due to
taxes alone.
3. Risk - everyone likes to talk performance but a key to long term success is
to ascertain, and limit, risk prior to making every investment. This includes a
daily assessment of risk, not periodic rebalancing or over-diversifying into all
asset classes, which may sound good, but falls short in volatile global markets.
Arbitrary rebalancing is a reactive, novice measure to reduce risk in these
volatile markets and investors hoping to limit risk by investing in a broad
range of asset classes have learned this past year how interrelated such asset
classes can become. We have never understood why an investor would want to hold
financial stocks from their all time highs during the summer of 2007 or
technology stocks at ridiculous valuations during the start of this decade.
Two Things Investors Should Learn From the Current Financial Turmoil:
1. Spreading risk does not eliminate, or even limit, risk during volatile
markets. This is true at all levels from asset allocation strategies to complex
derivative securities. If it is a risky asset to begin with, it will be risky in
combination with other assets, no matter what Wall Street tells you.
2. During volatile times it is critical to be proactive, rather than reactive.
It is definitely easier to do the latter and follow the herd, but investors must
learn to continually monitor and reduce risk on an ongoing basis - not just
We felt that the damage of these excesses would
have been completed by the beginning of the fourth quarter,
making it an excellent buying (or entry) point. However, the
delays and slow reaction regarding the credit crisis have
prolonged and intensified the global problem. In fact, we have a
near perfect storm of events that have exasperated the credit
crisis - from the political delays in doing something about it
to the liquidations and force selling by hedge funds. Add to
that the dramatic slowdown and lost global growth catalyst from
the BRIC countries, the crisis of confidence in both the global
financial market as well as regarding the consumer, who has been
so instrumental in supporting the economy, and investors begin
to understand the extent of our problems. It will take more time
for the financial clouds to lift and the general market will
still have difficulty establishing worthwhile new highs until
this occurs. The extreme downside volatility has brought
valuations to more attractive levels, but during times like
these the pendulum usually swings to extremes. Investors are
just beginning to understand the complexity in the massive
leveraged excesses over the majority of this decade.
What to ask your advisor
Since many advisors sound so authoritative and knowledgeable to the average
investor, it is very important for investors to be able to cut through the
broken-record spiel advisors give regarding their fees and investment style.
Below are some things you should know before deciding on an advisor:
--Do you sell a product? If your advisor sells a product, he/she also gets a
commission and may be more interested in lining his pockets than your investment
future. Look for an advisor who is independent - and free to choose from any
mutual fund family, insurance provider, etc., this way you will receive an
unbiased opinion.
--How do you get paid?
Commission – When the advisor invests your money in a certain mutual fund or
investment product, he receives a commission. This will be on top of the mutual
fund’s administrative expenses.
Flat Fees – You may be charged hourly, or at the completion of your financial
plan. The advisor gets paid whether you purchase the suggested investments or
Fee Based – Some advisors will charge a fee based on the percentage of the
assets you have invested with them. This works for both parties because if
assets decrease, the fee is lowered, and if assets increase, your advisor is
fairly rewarded.
--How much exposure in financials did your clients have during the summer of
2007? What, if anything, was done to lessen this exposure and when? When did you
buy into financials?
If the advisor had a large exposure to financials during the summer of 2007, and
did nothing to lessen exposure, he may be an investor who follows the trends,
and does not take profits when the market becomes overvalued. It is important to
know when your advisor initially bought into something, because if he buys as
investments get popular, and are already on the rise, he may just follow the
trends and go with whatever his financial newspaper tells him to buy into. It is
important that an advisor take profits before the market makes another pendulous
swing, and there are no profits left. Wouldn’t you rather have an 8% guaranteed
profit by selling early, than juggle your chances between either a 12% profit or
a 5% loss, depending on when your advisor decides to put his greed aside?
--Do you ever raise cash (take profits) in good times to have the ability to
selectively buy when valuations go down? Another advantage of taking profits
early is that you can buy into quality when valuations go down. If your advisor
sells before the market becomes overvalued, it will plump up your cash position.
Then as the market goes down, such as what we have seen over the past several
weeks, you have the cash available to buy into solid, quality companies at low
--Do you focus on no-load/low-load mutual funds? Buying into loaded mutual funds
can really take a bite out of your investments.
Click here to visit our Mutual Fund page.
--What are your credentials?
Just as you wouldn’t want your plumber working on your electrical problems, you
don’t want a CPA giving you investment advice. There are a plethora of
certifications and acronyms out there, so be sure that your advisor is qualified
to advise you. Some additional questions:
• How much international and emerging market exposure did you have going into
calendar year 2008?
• If you were in business in 2000, what was your technology exposure for clients
at that time?
• How much cash did your accounts have one year ago, for example, when the
credit crisis was already on investor's radar or in prior extreme times like
Under the Microscope:
Focus on Lifestyle or Target-Date Funds
Target-date funds are mutual
funds that claim to be customized to your target retirement
year. As retirement nears, say 2020, the fund holdings become
more conservative and invest more in bonds than stocks. The
concept is simple and given their long term investment horizon
makes sense for retirement plans. Unfortunately, there is a vast
difference among these types of funds that really have yet to
face the scrutiny that is needed to differentiate among fund
Target-date funds are meant to offer convenience, and be
a “one stop shop” for investors planning for retirement.
Sometimes these funds chase performance and may not be in the
best interests of the investor. With a little research, the
investor could pick mutual funds themselves that would be
customized to their specific situation, and their risk level.
These funds have become the default choice in many retirement
plans, replacing the typical money market default option. These
target date funds offer an appealing convenience factor in the
confusing world of retirement investing, but we encourage the
investor to be proactive and choose funds that are in their best
interests, not in the interests of money manager firms looking
to take advantage of ill-informed investors simply looking for
convenience. After all, the average investor, or even 401K
Trustees, is unaware of the new layers of fees inherent on all
of these types of funds. As more and more retirement plan
sponsors use target-date funds as their default options, it is
more important than ever to differentiate fund choices and make
sure they select the fund family that best fits their objectives
and risk profile.
Financial Follies: Bank
Deposit Rates VS. Money Market Funds
Many financial stocks
continue to establish new multi-year lows despite consensus that mid-March was
the “worst is over” point. At that time, we initiated a 6% position on
financials, after warning about the ripple effects of the financials last
summer. A significant underweight position was still warranted even though
valuations seemed attractive. When there is little transparency in terms of
earnings quality or even in terms of asset quality, we have learned over the
past 28 years that it is best to err on the side of caution. Now that many
financials are trading below mid-March levels, many have asked whether we plan
to add to our modest initial position. The quick answer is not yet for two
primary reasons. First of all, most of the higher quality positions like Goldman
Sachs (buy limit $150) and J.P. Morgan (buy limit $40) have not fallen to new
lows and secondly, the transparency in valuing the questionable assets has not
really improved to any significant degree. It will take more time for the
financial clouds to lift and the general market will still have difficulty
establishing worthwhile new highs until this occurs. In the interim, we would
remain selective and when the markets give investors the opportunity to buy high
quality industry leaders like General Electric and United Parcel Service at
historic low valuations, the smart long term investor should take advantage of
the situation. We recently listed our top holdings along with details as to when
and why we accumulated each position. It was not a coincidence that the only
financial company on our list was Berkshire Hathaway and then only at the #25
position. Not only is Berkshire a very high quality financial that can take
advantage of the dire straits of many of its peers, but just as important most
of our purchases of Berkshire Hathaway were made many years ago at far lower
(last purchased summer of 2006 under $3000 a share) valuations. A little bit of
luck combined with our disciplined research process of taking profits at market
extremes has allowed us to miss much of the financial malaise which has caused
the average investor a lot of pain. Banks, brokerage and investment firms are
all trying to squeeze more revenues for themselves from each and every customer
during these challenging times for the industry. Early this year, we warned
about the Auction-Rate Securities and how their costs & risks were not
adequately disclosed within the selling process to the unsuspecting public. The
latest area that investors should be wary of is in the interest credit within
their brokerage or bank accounts. Many firms are now sweeping new cash from
dividends and deposits into bank deposit accounts rather than the typical money
market funds. Many of these bank deposit accounts yield an average 0.65%
compared to 2.39% for the average money market fund. Investors should pay
attention to any subtle changes within their statements, particularly in regard
to footnotes and other disclosures which may generate earnings to the firm,
unfortunately at the investor’s expense. These switches are automated and many
times not noticed by the average investor. Currently, 16 of the top 20 firms are
using these lower yielding bank deposit accounts.
Last week, we went to an equal weight in the energy sector after a substantial
overweight since 2002. Oil surging to over $130 a barrel, and more and more
investors jumping on the bandwagon was enough for us to recommend locking-in
significant gains. We don’t know if this is the top for energy prices, but we
simply no longer like the risk-to-reward ratio from current levels. We did the
same thing last year when we recommended strategic profit taking in utilities,
REITs, and the financials. Many times we are early with these profit taking
maneuvers like in December 1999 with our research articles that focused on the
overvaluations in the tech arena (these stocks continued to surge another 3-4
months). Even if energy continues to move up, our profit taking now dramatically
reduces risk within our overall portfolios in that we are re-deploying profit
taking proceeds in areas that are more attractively valued and have less
downside. Investors may wish to look at it like we are taking profits now and
possibly leaving some money on the table to avoid potential big losses down the
road. Profit taking proceeds were used to selectively buy in depressed areas
such as technology, healthcare and other high yielding companies with favorable
risk-to-reward over the long term. On the international front we recommend
locking in some partial profits in Russia and would still underweight China
and India. As the following pages detail, we still feel Japan offers the best
risk-to-reward on the planet.
Auction-Rate Securities - April 2008
Similar to late 1999 when we warned
about the excesses in the technology arena with the dot-com mania, in
May of 2007 we felt that many areas of the U.S. and emerging markets
were over-extended. One of our publications which was printed in early
November 1999 proved early as the NASDAQ continued to surge for several
months thereafter, but investors who did not take money away from the
technology/telecom sectors at the start of this decade were saddled with
huge losses the next 2-3 years. Some favorite areas of investors last
May were once again beginning to get significantly overvalued, resulting
in much higher risk for investors than what was typical at the time.
At the time, staid low growth sectors like the utilities were tracking
the remarkable performance of the Shanghai stock market for the prior
three years. During times like these, the proactive investor must
realize the importance of taking profits and lessening exposure (risk)
in those popular, overpriced areas. After hearing from so many investors
who were burned with overexposure in tech stocks in 2000-2002, we felt
compelled to let even more investors know about our latest words of
warning early last summer when the global markets were still hitting
daily new highs. In June of 2007 we made several national media
appearances in order to discuss, among other items, the importance of
profit taking, especially in overvalued “hot” areas of the market, and
that the ripple effects of sub-prime will be much more pervasive than
investors believe - both in terms of the financial sector, as well as in
affecting the U.S. and global economies.
Just like in 1999 with technology, there were areas where we could have
done even more to protect our client’s assets. We will always strive to
do better and not rest on our laurels. We are confident that more
investors heard our warnings in June 2007 and our emerging market
(particularly China and India) and tech stock warnings in the 4th
quarter of 2007, when all these areas were erroneously hyped by other
experts as ways to avoid the sub-prime mess.
Now as investors are becoming increasingly despondent and worried about
the global markets, we are beginning to find select bargains. It is
comforting to be in a solid cash position into this volatile market,
giving us the luxury to buy into panic selling at significantly lower
prices. Beyond taking profits at all time highs from many exposed
sectors last summer, the cash we built up also was an important factor
in protecting assets over the past six months as most global markets
declined sharply. We are gradually buying into this weakness, resome of
the profits we took earlier. Just like in May of 2007, we still do not
expect to see global markets establish new highs anytime soon. The only
difference is that now values are becoming more attractive, but there
are still too many uncertainties to be fully invested or totally exposed
to the global markets.
A prudent strategy to take advantage of emotional selling and
selectively adding assets to control risk, still is in order. The
madness of March may have brought an end to a majority of the financial
sectors plunge, but getting the sector back to a long term uptrend will
most likely take more time. Again, similar to the over excesses in tech
with dot-com, the financials and real estate areas must pay for many
years of excesses and this will take time. Even if the worst is over for
most financials, the U.S. economy will still have to face difficult
headwinds. Inflation is raising its ugly head, especially in some of the
fast growing emerging markets, and investors are finally realizing that
the global markets are not decoupled from the U.S., so China may face a
very difficult period of stagflation (we brought this possibility up to
investors six months ago) and that is never good for financial assets.
When investors add the uncertainty of the U.S. Presidential election,
growing geo-political risks, and financial markets that are just
awakening to all the ripple effects of the credit crisis, you have a
challenging market that warranted a solid cash position.
We are still seeing new clients coming in that are taking much more risk
and are overexposed in emerging markets and financials - similar to what
we had seen in 2001-2002 in technology. This leads us to believe that it
will still take more time to wash out all the global excesses of the
past seven years. Most of these investors are in a position where not
only do they not understand the risk they are taking, but are just
beginning to realize that they should never have been investing in those
high risk areas in the first place.
Most investors are in for more negative surprises into early 2008. Some
examples we see include conservative investors who are in asset
allocation programs with significant exposure in emerging markets
without fully understanding the consequences. Other investors are
discovering that their auction-rate securities that were sold to them
(Merrill Lynch, UBS, Morgan Stanley were the top three sellers) by many
brokers as a conservative, safe and liquid money market type substitute
are now frozen as the window to redeem these auction rate securities is
closed. Our managed accounts avoided such structured vehicles that were
great in adding fees/commissions (just like the various structured
mortgage type products, hedge funds, SMA’s, etc.) to the brokerage
coffers, but did little to help the investor.
Whether we continue to avoid these traps for investors is impossible to
determine, but we will continue to do our best to avoid these costly
pitfalls. The graphs below show when we took full profits in two
financial holdings for our managed accounts. Our sell recommendation
occurred 12-18 months before these stocks, and the financial sector,
collapsed. This illustrates the importance of a long term perspective
(we were also early in taking profits in the technology sector in 1999)
as investors must look at the complete picture by observing what
happened to these popular and overvalued areas over the subsequent 2-3

Performance of Financials and
REITs through 3/31/08
Index |
6/1/07 Price |
3/31/08 Price |
% Change |
Dow Jones U.S.
Financials Index
608.77 |
410.06 |
-32.6% |
Dow Jones Equity All
REIT Index
323.13 |
256.31 |
-20.6% |
Biggest Investment Scams According to State Securities
- Unlicensed individuals, such as
independent insurance agents selling securities. Scam artists use high
commissions to entice insurance agents into selling investments such as
bogus limited partnerships or promissory notes offering high returns with
little or no risk.
- Unscrupulous stock brokers. It
is bad enough selling class B funds solely to make a higher commission, now
many brokers have been caught issuing phony statements to cover losses from
hundreds of unauthorized trades or even in some cases to use client's money
for themselves.
- Analysts research conflicts.
Regulators continue to probe a dozen brokerage firms to determine whether
analysts based buy recommendations on loser stocks just to win investment
banking business.
- Promissory notes. Short term
debt instruments often sold by independent insurance agents and issued by
little known or non-existent companies. In Georgia amounts scammed reached
$150 million.
- Affinity fraud. Scammers use
victims' religious or ethnic identity to gain trust and steal their life
savings through church "gifting" programs and foreign exchange scams.
N.A.S.D. Disclosure
Over the past five years has been warning investors regarding the dirty little games
many brokerage firms and mutual fund organizations play in terms of marketing
and compensation. Massachusetts securities regulators recently filed a civil
administration complaint against Morgan Stanley alleging that the brokerage firm
provided incentives to its brokers to sell in-house mutual funds over those run
by outside managers while not disclosing those added incentives to investors.
Among the incentives mentioned in the complaint include Morgan Stanley's entire
compensation system which favors in house mutual funds for both brokers and
their managers. Some outside funds also paid money to Morgan Stanley for access
to brokers in attempts to get them to push their funds. The complaint
highlighted a three month sales contest held in 2002 expressly to boost sales of
Morgan Stanley Funds and funds run by Van Kampen Investments, which is owned by
Morgan Stanley. Sales of these funds are more profitable to Morgan Stanley than
sales of funds run by outside companies. Yet none of those incentives had been
disclosed to clients. These charges are separate from a complaint filed in July
2003 in which Massachusetts accused Morgan Stanley of misleading investigators
about the existence of these types of incentive programs. Unfortunately, such
games are being played by mutual fund organizations and brokerage firms without
investor knowledge. The N.A.S.D. is proposing a potential new industry rule that
would require firms to disclose in writing the nature of certain compensation
arrangements as soon as a customer opens an account or purchases mutual fund
shares. has always stressed to get all costs, risk and
compensation disclosed in writing, from whomever you are working with, before
making any investment. Such transparency is needed in the $6.5 trillion mutual
fund industry and we do not recommend working with anyone that does not fully
disclose such information to you. Mutual funds are not the only ones laden with
such undisclosed conflicts as similar potential problems are seen when buying
individual stocks or bonds. For example, stockbrokers may receive added
compensation to push certain equities, including stocks held by broker/dealers
that it wants to move out of inventory (principal trades). In contrast,
investment advisors must clearly disclose the conflicts in principal trades and
must secure permission in advance from clients. Mandatory disclosure is needed
but for the moment investors must still ask for it in writing. -August 2003
Flirting With Disaster
After a three year decline in
many stock prices we are getting e-mails that state some investors are
simply not opening their brokerage, mutual fund, or retirement plan
statements. One individual even stated their broker told them to not
look at their statements if they are too painful. This procedure could
lead to other problems beyond poor investment performance and we
strongly recommend verifying all activity in each and every statement
promptly upon receipt.
Here are some of the specific
items we would check with each statement:
- Verify the activity in your
- Are there any trades or
cash transfers that you didn't authorize?
- Are the trades reported
consistent with your confirmations?
- Are any cash withdrawals
or additions not accurate?
- Are the size and price
of all purchases and sales correct?
- Are all anticipated
dividend and interest payments reflected?
- Review your account
- Are all securities and
cash positions and any debits or credits accurately reflected?
- Does your portfolio
agree with your diversification and asset allocation objectives?
- Confirm basic account
- Are any address changes
- Are there any charges or
fees that you don't understand?
- Are any important
changes in your relationship with the firm or your broker
- Are there any notices
that require a response?
If you do not check your
statements an unscrupulous broker/banker has you exactly where he/she
wants you. This is because without proper notification you lose rights
to correct an error, in many instances within 60 days after the improper
occurrence. In other instances lack of notice will result in delays and
potentially higher costs in your efforts to get things straightened out.
Immediately question any transaction or entry that you do not understand
or that you did not authorize. There are three steps to take if you
find errors. First talk to your broker/dealer and get an explanation
with follow up written confirmation that this will be corrected. Then
make sure on your next monthly statement the adjustment(s) have been
reflected. If you can't resolve the problem with your broker/banker, or
if you think he/she is involved in misconduct (i.e. unauthorized
trades), then report it to the firm's management or compliance
department in writing. Declare a date in your letter (usually 30-60
days) to get this resolved and after that time frame file a complaint
with the
NASD online complaint form.
Two other questionable tactics
that desperate brokers/bankers have been using include:
- Pushing closed end bond
funds with the sales pitch of a 12% yield. Many
readers have contacted us before investing in such and did not
realize the risk of the 12% not being guaranteed as well as the
chance of a significant loss of principal. In just one example a
Bear Stearns broker in New York was telemarketing investors in the
Midwest to buy the ACM Government Income Fund, (NYSE - ACM), because
of its current 12% yield. In the current low interest rate
environment a 12% guaranteed return sounds too good to be true and
it is. No mention was made that the fund's yield nor principal were
not guaranteed (the fund actually lost over 10% and 21.7% in 1998
and 1999 respectively). Approximately four out of every five mutual
fund dollars are now going into bond type funds, but investors must
ascertain the risk (and get it in writing) before they invest. Keep
in mind now that interest rates are at multi-decade lows the risk in
bonds and bond funds is significantly greater since higher interest
rates typically lowers the value of your current bond holdings.
- Another technique we find
intriguing is with the performance review that many smart investors
ask their broker/banker to do. found many times
investors are confused with some long term hypotheticals on their
fund holdings in regards to performance. In one instance in Denver,
Colorado, a financial planner gave a client a performance review
with American Funds holdings that showed an 8.94% annual positive
return since 1986. The only problem was the investor was only with
the financial planner the past three years and had losses in each
and every year with said planner. So make sure you receive actual
performance (net of all fees) and not hypothetical when accessing
your investment performance.
The huge financial success of the
1990’s has spurned on an unprecedented array of new scams and frauds
aimed at the average investor. Historians will look at the 1990’s as the
golden age of success for investors as well as the advent of
dramatically higher level of financial fraud. It was a decade that a
Canadian gold mining company called Bre-X Minerals Ltd. saw its stock
soar to $4.5 Billion, until its much hyped Indonesian mine was exposed
as a hoax. Fraudulent trading brought down two eminent investment
banking firms in succession Kidder Peabody & Co. and Baring Bros.
The 1990’s finished with would be
insurance mogul Martin Frankel and energetic market guru Martin
Armstrong being arrested within days of each other, each charged by
federal prosecutors for swindling investors out of hundreds of millions
of dollars. In addition, a San Antonio group called InverWorld, Inc. was
accused by the Securities & Exchange Commission of defrauding Mexican
clients of the bulk of their $475M in investments.
While these scandals have
received the majority of the headlines, regulators say the most
devastating fraud for the average investor is the long running epidemic
of small stock scams. They feature pushy telephone salesmen stealing
billions from naive investors each year. Advancements in technology,
including ease of access via the internet, has made scams very
efficient, harder to detect and even harder to prosecute or eradicate.
Many scams align themselves with
religions, educational or charity organizations to gain much needed
credibility. Such an affiliation even if totally fictitious tends to let
investor’s guard down and many times investors don’t follow-up as they
assume credibility (this is exactly why scam artists lie about aligning
themselves with credible institutions). The largest charity scandal of
the 1990’s was at the Foundation for New Era Philanthropy a Philadelphia
charity that promised other charities (again aligning themselves with
credible institutions) and donors that it would double their money
through matching gifts. It turned out that this was simply another
elaborate (well marketed) Ponzi scheme. New Era raised $350M by tricking
prominent people such as Treasury Secretary William Simon, Laurence
Rockefeller, hedge fund pro Julian Robertson and former Goldman Sachs
chairman John Whitehand. New Era’s founder, John Bennett, was sentenced
to jail. So even the sophisticated financial experts have succumbed to
scams, but here are some rules to avoid being trapped.
Three Steps to Avoid
- Never make checks payable
to the advisor, advisory firm or broker direct. (A significant
number of cases of fraud can be totally avoided with this one simple
- Investigate your broker
and/or advisor more than you have investigated anything in your
life. (You give them your personal/financial details ask for
theirs. Many brokers and advisors do not want you to see how poorly
they do with their own investments. Ask for the tax
ramifications, risk and total cost of each investment to
be detailed in writing. Double check everything you are told –
start with an online search for past regulatory problems on
- Investigate the custodian
holding your money whether this is a brokerage firm, bank or
broker/dealer. (Check to make sure the entity is in good
standing with N.A.S.D. or banking regulatory agencies.)
Warning signs that
your broker/advisor may not be up to Par
- Great in sales but slack
on details. Once again you should have a good understanding of
your financial situation. Part of their job is to educate so you
totally understand your financial situation as well as your
investment risk costs and limitations. Be aware that in the majority
of the cases the perpetrators are excellent/smooth salespeople.
Familiar statements we have heard from past fraud victims: Well
he/she seemed like a nice guy/gal; I considered him/her a friend; He
seemed to do a lot and was active in our community, our church, or
school, etc.)
- Leaves you in the dark as
to net returns, performance, tax efficiency and risk levels.
This is the most common occurrence (besides fraudulent churning and
unsuitable investments) that clients experience. When you are left
in the dark as far as net return there is probably a good reason.
- Continuous and excessive
advertising/marketing. Many advisors/brokers turnover of
clientele is much greater than they would like to admit so if they
are always marketing and advertising you have to wonder if it is to
replace clients they lost after they learned of better ways.
- Many brokers/advisors align
themselves with schools, community colleges, universities or even
religious groups to gain instant credibility, in addition to gaining
access to an unsuspecting public. Beware of seminars and class
"educational" sessions that are in actuality used for marketing.
It should be noted that in the majority of the cases of fraud – the
perpetrators aligned themselves with credible institutions to gain
access and avoid suspicion.
- Excellent in golf, high
society lifestyle and other extra circular activities. When do
you have time to take care of your clients… many times his/her
lifestyle is from a higher than average debt load or living off of
huge commission over the years. A good barometer is that a broker of
10-20 years or more should show you gains in his/her own portfolio
equal to or greater than his total fee or commissions generated on
both an annual and long term basis. Otherwise that fancy life style
of fast cars and luxurious homes may be from high commissions/fees
ra ther than actual investment success. It is your job to ask if you
are to trust this individual with your money.
- Brokers that recommend
outside money managers for your account. This area has been white
"hot" because this way the brokers just hire a new money manager
(and get a round of new commissions) if your account performs
poorly, rather than actually lose the client. If your broker/advisor
is recommending outside money mangers ask for a list of clients that
he or she has that have actually experienced the returns that are
being illustrated to you. If he/she can not supply you with a
list of actual clients (for whatever reason) then simply go
Protecting Yourself From The Most Common Scams
It is
important to know the common scams and how they work. Before you cover
the various parts of this website, be aware of these common schemes and
Pump and
Dump: With pump and dump, owners and promoters of thinly traded
stocks pump up the value by hyping them, or using bribes and threats to
get brokers to do their dirty work. Suckers buy. The crooks sell at a
peak and then short the stock. The price plummets. The suckers are left
with a huge loss. This con works best with stocks that are thinly
traded, because the prices of these stocks can be manipulated more
easily than those of securities that are more widely held. As with most
cons, the pump and dump can easily be modified for the Internet. Crooks
can post misleading messages to bulletin boards, create phony Web
newsletters, and produce bogus press releases. In fact, some of the
techniques they've developed are very slick indeed, so you need to be
more wary than ever.
Boiler Room: Here, crooks sit and 'cold call' you, your neighbor,
anybody - to pitch 'can't miss,' risk-free,' 'high-flying' investments.
Here's how the SEC describes a typical boiler room operation:
'Unregistered salespeople, working from various offices in lower
Manhattan, cold-called investors using a high-pressure sales pitch that
included numerous material misrepresentations and omissions. The
defendants used mail drops and telephone forwarding services so that
investors would not know their actual location. The unregistered
salespeople were paid undisclosed cash commissions of approximately
30%.' According to the SEC, 'Aggressive cold callers speak from
persuasive scripts that include retorts for your every objection. As
long as you stay on the phone, they'll keep trying to sell.' Now,
sometimes the cold call multiples into cold calls-plural. They warm you
up in the first call, trying to create trust. Second, they set you up by
whetting your appetite for this great deal they can supposedly get for
you (as if they were doing you a personal favor). And then, the third
time, they close the deal - telling you to buy now or miss out.
Old Hype and Misrepresentation: In a recent case cited by the SEC,
hucksters solicited investors by telling them the company was going to
acquire and operate funeral homes. Not a very sexy business. But a
lucrative one. After all - there's always going to be steady demand for
their services. Representatives of the company claimed they had already
acquired several funeral homes. Not true. They even hooked an
institutional investor, saying there were other, more sophisticated
investors involved, and that they themselves had money in the company.
Using these tactics, this company raised more than US$4.3 million from
56 investors. The problem is, the company did very little burying.
Rather, its officers shifted the money to other ventures - and their own
pockets. Needless to say, the company is now six feet under and the
investors' money went up the chimney. The ultimate misrepresentation is
selling a company that does not exist. Fictitious microcap stocks are
particularly easy to create, because there's less press coverage about
microcaps in general, and fewer filing requirements. Sometimes the
misrepresentation isn't quite criminal, just excessive hype or
'puffery.' Even so, you should always be on the alert for misleading
company press releases. Editor's note: A good example of the damage that
deliberately phony information can do to a company's stock price: Last
week's fraudulent press release on Emulex, which sent the company's
shares plummeting and investors' bailing - and resulted in the quick
arrest of the perpetrator.
Inside Information: It's illegal to trade when you have genuine
inside information about a company. While it's not technically a con,
trading on real inside information can get you into serious hot water.
But when information is leaked to make you think it's inside
information, and it's not, you're not a criminal. You're just a sucker.
Bait and
Switch: Scamsters will lure you in by encouraging you to buy
well-known, widely traded blue chip stocks. Then they pressure you into
investing in smaller, lesser-known stocks as well.
Churning: Among unscrupulous brokers, churning is one of the oldest
tricks in the books. The broker simply keeps buying and selling stocks
to create hefty commissions for himself.
Theft: Lest you believe you're too smart, too sophisticated, too
worldly to get hoodwinked, think again. just take a look at this hot new
scandal in Hollywood, home of glamorous stars and sophisticated agents.
A well-known broker has apparently bamboozled big name stars out of more
than US$9 million. A 37-year old Wall Street professional, whose clients
included Leonardo DiCaprio, Courtney Cox Arquette, Cameron Diaz and Matt
Damon, pleaded guilty to raiding client accounts to pay for his lavish
lifestyle. This was a simple ponzi scheme, where he used funds from one
client's account to make up for money he stole from another client. He
even falsified statements. Now, these are people who can afford the
best, most expensive advice there is. And still they got their
gold-lined pockets picked. There are many more scams than these; in
fact, the list is virtually endless. But you get the idea. These guys
are coming at you from all directions, and now you know something about
the threats they pose."
Bulletin Board and Pink Sheets
In early March 2000, was fortunate to have warned our readers about the
extreme valuations in many speculative high technology stocks,
particularly in the internet arena (see FAQ section). Since then, we
have heard many disastrous real life examples of the effects of
investing in such stocks, many portfolios unfortunately using margin. To
go back to our thoughts on margin you have to listen to legendary
investor Sir John Templeton who simply stated that under no
circumstances should an investor borrow money to buy stocks. Another
area that is far overexposed that investors don't underst and the risk
is h are already bankrupt, which has exceeded over one billion shares a
day. These illiquid stocks are not regulated, and therefore, often times
attract dishonest investors that seek to take advantage of illiquidity
to manipulate stock movements. Pink Sheet stocks have even less
reporting (no volume figures whatsoever) and believe it or not are even
more speculative. These stocks often have dramatic run-ups giving the
illusion of success and tremendous money being made - just don't be left
holding the bag because most often these moves are very temporary in
- NASDAQ: Used to stand
for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation.
Today, the official name is NASDAQ stock market.
- NASDAQ National Market:
Part of the NASDAQ Stock Market. It lists stocks of more than 4,400
companies. These companies meet its most stringent listing
requirements, including a $1 minimum bid price, more than $4 million
in tangible assets, at least 750,000 publicly available shares
(float) and 400 shareholders.
- NASDAQ SmallCap Market:
Part of the NASDAQ Stock Market. It lists stocks of nearly 1,800
companies. Listing requirements include a $1 minimum bid price, more
than $2 million in tangible assets, at least 500,000 publicly
available shares (float) and 300 shareholders.
- Over the Counter Bulletin
Board (OTC:BB): Owned by NASDAQ but completely separate in
operation. It includes more than 6,500 stocks that do not meet
NASDAQ requirements. It does not provide automated trade execution
like NASDAQ and it imposes fewer requirements on its market makers
(the people who execute trades). It does not impose listing
requirements but the SEC is in the process of implementing some
financial reporting requirements on OTC:BB traded companies.
There are three areas that the
SEC is beginning to crack down on regarding these illiquid
NASDAQ securities:
- Market Manipulation
(also known as :pump and dump" schemes) involve persons attempting
to inflate the price of a stock illegally. the scam artist may, for
example, post fraudulent information on messages boards or in chat
rooms to boost a stock's price. In one case that the SEC prosecuted,
two former UCLA students and a third defendant succeeded in hyping a
thinly traded stock to raise its price from 13 cents to $15 in a
single trading day.
- Offering Frauds are
false offers to sell things. The SEC has gone after bogus sales of
interest in eel farms, coconut plantations, even a new underwater
city. There also has been an increasing incidence of Ponzi and
pyramid schemes, which pay off early investors with the money
received from later entrants. The SEC is also increasingly concerned
about the potential for affinity fraud on the internet.
- Scalping is the
practice of touting a company's shares for money without disclosing
the compensation and may be accompanied by the touter's sale of
shares as the price rises.
Investors Beware
There may be something about seeing information on a computer screen
that makes it seem more valuable, more reliable. But people don't
usually accept investment suggestions from random strangers whom they
meet on the street; nor should they accept without skepticism
information received from strangers on the internet.
This is not to suggest that the
SEC is opposed to the emerging role that the Internet is playing in
investment management. To the contrary, the agency applauds the greater
access to financial information and investor education that the Internet
has brought. Future SEC initiatives in the area of full investment
disclosure are likely to rely heavily upon use of this medium.
But in getting investment
information from the internet, a little common sense will go a long way.
In relying on information from the internet it is critical to be wary
especially when it comes to advice on smaller illiquid stocks that can
easily be manipulated.