Mutual Funds
Intro on Mutual Funds:
Why Your Broker/Advisor May Be Pushing Class 'B' Mutual Funds
Hiding The Load In Mutual Funds
A Look into No-Load Mutual Funds
Loads vs. No-Loads
Index Funds
Analyzing Mutual Fund Costs, Risk and Performance:
For more information on IRAs, mutual funds and distributions click here.
What You Should Know About The Mutual
Fund Scandal
In the past, most of the problems within the mutual industry have
been associated with greedy brokerage firms or brokers rather than
the mutual fund managers themselves. We have warned about the
disadvantages to the investor of Class B shares by commenting that
the only one that benefits from Class B shares is the seller or
broker. Regulators are now probing brokers that pushed Class B funds
when other classes of funds would have cost the investor much less.
Over the past year news has come out that several brokerage firms
failed to credit the appropriate sales commission discount on larger
purchases of Class A shares. Currently, Morgan Stanley is being
investigated by Massachusetts, and was fined $2M by the National
Association of Securities Dealers, for encouraging its sales force
to sell more in-house funds with cash prizes. Morgan Stanley's
clients were never informed of those cash incentives. All of these
separate scandals have been generated by brokers putting themselves
first rather than their client. That was until last quarter when New
York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, made public serious allegations
regarding many of the largest mutual fund companies. The source of
many of these violations was the actual money manager or mutual fund
companies themselves and not simply the greedy brokerage industry as
it has been in the past. Serious breeches of fiduciary
responsibility are allegedly involved within an industry in which
trust is everything. It is hard to believe that those mutual fund
families would risk their reputation for the sake of more fees but
that is exactly what transpired. So what should investors do if they
own one of the fund families guilty of wrong doing? At we have always stressed finding the best
investment for a one's specific investment objectives and risk
tolerance and with so many mutual fund choices it does not make
sense to stay with a fund company that you cannot trust. There are
certainly other considerations like tax implications when getting
out of such funds. In general, you would be better off with
management that shares your interest rather than ones that could be
actually working against you in favor of large investors and hedge
funds. This same principal of looking for the best funds, with the
most favorable risk parameters, leads us to funds with the following
attributes that may also limit scandals:
- Majority of money managers net worth is in his/her funds
- Managers that close their funds when assets grow to
meaningful levels
- Managers that do not establish new "hot" (i.e. internet)
fund of the period or advertise short periods of dramatic
- Managers that avoid the conflicts of interest with managing
a hedge fund concurrently with a mutual fund
- Managers that put limits on trades and even establish
redemption fees for shorter term trades
- Managers that have independent client compliance officers
that report to independent board of directors
We like the way stocks have taken one step back to spring two
steps forward since hitting its low in October 2002 and testing
those lows in March 2003. After such huge gains it is wise to buy on
weakness (one step back periods) and not chase those speculative
stocks and funds that have done so well. The scandals summarized
below, within the mutual fund industry came out after the latest
rally that left most investors much more sanguine about stocks in
general and mutual funds in particular. The timing was very
fortunate because if these scandals would have been made public last
year, when many investors were suffering from their third
consecutive year of losses, there would have been a more meaningful
impact on mutual fund out-flows. Investors should also realize that
the current investigations will certainly dig up more but that the
loss of your money due to fraud is remote. The allegations are more
concerning the dilution of your gains by mutual funds favoring the
large investor. To date the worst of the culprits seems to be the
Strong Funds, PBHG Funds, Putnam Funds, and Alliance Capital. Highly
placed executives in these fund families were aware of the
wrongdoing and maybe even played a part in it. Most of these funds
have loads (sales commissions) and/or charge above average operating
expenses. In addition, many of these funds had below average
performance. Here are the dozen with the most serious allegations in
the investigations so far:
OneGroup – BankOne's mutual fund division
Federated Investors – select investors were granted preferential
status said it will reimburse other investors
Fred Alger Management –high expenses & loaded
Janus Funds – warned about this group during
internet craze over three years ago
Nations Funds –Bank of America's main fund group
AllianceBernstein – another with high expenses & loaded
Putnam Funds – lost largest amount of assets due to investor
departures to date
Scudder Funds – owned by Deutsche Bank
Invesco Funds – problematic alliances with Deutsche Bank
Strong Funds – founder Richard Strong departed after directly
participating in market timing for his own account.
PBHG Funds - Pilgram Baxter & Associates alleged illegal and
improper trading in funds
Charles Schwab Corp. - investigating illegal mutual fund trading
including possible cover-up (deleted emails)
It should also be noted that several Merrill Lynch and Prudential
Securities brokers have already been implicated in facilitating
illegal late trading in several various mutual funds.
Hiding The Load In Mutual
A "load' is simply the mutual
fund industry's term for sales charge, which is a fee investors pay
directly out of their investment. In recent years, as investors have
become more sophisticated, there has been a trend toward devising
various alternatives (methods for investors to pay the sales
charge). These payment methods are referred to as multiple classes
of shares, and have greatly added to the confusion of purchasing
mutual funds. Multiple classes of shares are shares sold from the
same fund with a different sales load charged for each share class.
Here are the most common share classes currently sold with their
pricing or cost structure:
- Class A Shares
are sold with a "front-end" load. The sales charge is deducted
directly off the top of your investment and paid to your broker
with the remainder invested in the fund. This sales charge can
be as high as 8 1/2%, but due to the market environment it has
been averaging 4 - 4 1/2%.
- Class B Shares
generally charge a "back-end" load for exiting a fund within 5-7
years of purchase. This fee is sometimes called a Contingent
Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) or a surrender charge. A back-end
charge typically starts at 5-6% of the redeemed assets during
the first year of purchase and declines by one percentage point
each year until it reaches zero. However, since the broker must
be compensated for selling the fund whether or not you redeem in
the first several years, B shares often have higher annual
expenses paid out in the form of a 12b-1 fee. After the back-end
load expires (5-7 years), the 12b-1 fee is no longer deducted
from the funds assets and the B shares convert to A shares.
- Class C Shares
are often referred to as "level load" shares. While they do not
charge either a front or back-end load, C shares deduct a 12b-1
expense each year for the life of the investment.
- Institutional
Class Shares are available for the larger investments or
through an advisor that has already established minimum
criteria. The total expense ratio on these funds is usually
significantly less than the same fund via other class shares.
For example, the American Century Income and Growth Fund Advisor
Class Shares have a competitive 0.94% total expense ratio, while
the Institutional Class shares of the same fund total expense
ratio is only 0.49%. It pays to check out all your options
before you invest - as the above example illustrates a nearly
50% cost savings each year by purchasing the appropriate class
shares of the same fund.
Most A shares offer reduced
sales charges for large purchases at various breakpoints. An
investor that purchases less than $10,000 in a typical Class A fund
will pay a 5% sales commission. A purchase worth $50,000 may result
in a 3.5% commission. Usually, the sales commission is waived at $1
M, but you still may pay a 12b-1 charge that is taken out internally
each and every year.
It should be noted that B and
C shares do not reduce commissions on large orders. The broker
typically receives a flat commission of 4% for these orders. Similar
to the 12b-1 extra fees, the client does not notice the commission
because it is taken out internally from the annual expenses. Thus,
class B and C shares are very expensive over time and should always
be avoided for large sums. In fact, mutual fund companies are
suppose to discourage large sales of B shares. Many have set limits
of $200,000 for such shares, but brokers may still find funds that
don't adhere to the rules or find ways around the limits. There are
also virtually limitless combinations of the above charges, such as
Class M shares having a smaller front-end charge than the Class A
combined with a more modest 12b-1 charge than Class B or C.
There are two significant
points investors should keep in mind when looking at different share
classes of mutual funds. First and foremost, none of the above
mentioned fees will add to your investment performance as the fees
are deducted from the amount you invest simply to pay a broker.
Secondly, it is the investor's responsibility to determine the fees
(and hidden sales charges) on all mutual funds before they invest.
While cost should not constitute your sole reason for purchasing a
fund, it should play a critical role in your investment decision.
A Look into No-Load Mutual
First of all, lets discuss
the cost equation of mutual fund investing. Total costs are often
overlooked by investors many times due to confusing sales practices
and overly creative marketing techniques. A variety of different
sales charges and fees have been introduced over recent years that
make cost analysis even more confusing to investors. In fact the
term no-load can no longer be construed as meaning no sales charges
or added fees as it has in the past. Currently, investors must look
for "true" or "pure" no-load to assure themselves of not paying any
of the following various charges:
- Front-end sales
charge - an initial one time deduction from your investment
made into the fund, usually ranging from 3.0-5.5% on each and
every purchase.
- Back-end sales charge
- a deferred charge imposed when you redeem shares of the fund.
Typically this charge declines over time but an additional 12b-1
charge is also usually imposed every year.
- 12b-1 charge - an
additional charge deducted from the fund each year to pay for
distribution and marketing costs.
- Redemption fee -
is the amount charged when money is withdrawn from the fund
typically only applicable for short period of time, often 30, 60
or 90 days.
Investing in funds with any
of the above charges only reduces the amount of your investment
dollars at work for you. In addition, studies have shown that funds
with 12b-1 charges have, on average, taken more risk in attempts to
compensate for their added charges. It should also be noted that all
mutual funds will have ongoing administrative fees (the cost
of running the fund) and management fees (the cost for
managing the fund's assets) in addition to the varied transaction
expenses in managing the assets. We use over 20 investment
criteria over and above, our low expense and no-load parameters in
selecting the most appropriate fund for each investor's specific
situation. Some of the most important aspects in the selection
process will be the defensive measures that fund managers
incorporate to preserve capital and reduce volatility. This analysis
will be particularly important during more turbulent market
environments as opposed to what we experienced in 1995. In other
words, they are much more relevant now than they were last year.
Other important variables to analyze in addition to the fund's
investment and risk parameters, include turnover ratio and capital
gains exposure. This will not only give you a good idea on the style
of the fund manager, but also can limit the tax liability to the
individual investor.
The Real Cost of Mutual Fund
Wrap Accounts, and "Fund of Funds"
The positive aspect in
purchasing true no-load mutual funds can be totally negated if such
purchases are made through "wrap" accounts or "fund of funds". Wrap
accounts are brokerage accounts that purchase a variety of mutual
funds under one (wrapped) account in your name. "Fund of funds" are
mutual funds that pool investor's monies together to purchase a
portfolio of various mutual funds. Both charge an annual fee of
usually between 1-2%, on top of your ongoing cost of each and every
mutual fund held. Instead of purchasing a low cost competitive group
of mutual funds, investors typically get what turns out to be a high
cost investment vehicle (similar to Class C mutual funds), with
annual expenses as high as 4% or more.
The best way to illustrate
the opportunity cost associated with such additional annual charges
is to show the difference of a 1 or 2% lesser annual return equates
to over time.
Example: Investor #1 and #2
invest $10,000 over a 25 year period. Both investors receive a
return of 12% annually over this period, but investor #2 has a wrap
account that charges an additional 2% each year. After the 25 year
period, investor #1 has $61,654 more from his/her original $10,000
investment than investor #2.
$10,000 Grew To:
Investor #1: $170,001 @ 12% Annually |
Investor #2: $108,347 @ 12% Annually minus 2% in
additional charges |
The total cost involved over
a long period of time is even more dramatic for aggressive investors
seeking a high total return. Even a more modest additional charge of
1% makes a dramatic difference. Example: Both investor #3 and #4
invest $10,000 over 25 years. Both investors average 21% a year, but
investor #4 pays an 1% additional charge to a broker under a wrap
fee arrangement. Investor #3 ends up with an astounding $120,000
increase in value solely by avoiding the additional 1% annual cost.
$10,000 Grew To:
Investor #3: $1,173,909 @ 21% Annually |
Investor #4: $ 953,962 @ 21% Annually
minus 1% in additional charges |
After looking at these
examples, it is not hard to see the importance in avoiding added
costs when it comes to long-term investments such as mutual funds.
Make sure you are at least buying Institutional Class shares if you
are investing in these types of programs. This way the added cost
from these mutual fund programs or timing/advisory programs will be
lessened. So there may be something even better than your typical
no-load mutual fund out there. If you’re working on a fee basis now,
your advisor should be suggesting lower cost institutional class
shares, if available, for a good part of your mutual fund portfolio.
Loads vs. No-Loads
According to the Investment
Company Institute over $4.5 trillion of assets existed in mutual
funds at the close of 1997. The popularity of 401(k) retirement
plans in conjunction with the best bull market in history, has
created an unprecedented thirst for mutual funds. Skilled sales
people try to continue the debate on buying load or no-load funds,
but to all except the most unsophisticated investor, the case is a
mute point. Pure no-load funds have no up-front sales charge upon
purchase (or hidden back-end charges for that matter). Also, they
are the most cost efficient on an ongoing basis. The average annual
expense ratio is 1.15% for no-loads, and an amazingly high 1.64% for
loaded funds. This equates to the average load fund being 43%
more costly to operate each year - these costs do not even include
the initial sales charge. If loaded funds were better
investments than no-loads, a case could be made for all the extra
costs and sales charges, but the opposite is true. In each of the
past four years, no-loads have outperformed loaded funds, and since
1995, no-loads have been increasing their performance advantage over
load funds (see table below). Don't misunderstand, there are good
load funds, but why pay the commission in the first place, in
addition to the higher ongoing expense each year. Besides, most load
funds can now be purchased on a no-load basis through the right
Loads vs. No-Loads
Average Annual Returns
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
No Load Funds |
-1.04% |
31.64% |
20.26% |
25.07% |
Load Funds |
-1.60% |
31.41% |
19.25% |
23.65% |
No Load Advantage |
0.56% |
0.23% |
1.01% |
1.42% |
The Components of a Stock
Mutual Fund's After-Tax Returns
The after-tax returns that an
investor receives from a stock mutual fund is a function of: the
investor's tax circumstances, the fund's pre-tax returns, and the
fund's tax-efficiency. A mutual fund's tax-efficiency, in turn, is
determined by the specific components of the fund's return which
include: realized short-term capital gains and investment income
(all taxed as ordinary income), realized long-term capital gains
(taxed at rates up to 20%), and unrealized capital gains (not taxed
until realized).
How Taxes Can Hurt
For stock fund investors,
distributions of net investment income and realized short-term gains
are taxed at federal rates as high as 39.6%. For Example, a growth
fund returns 20% in one year and derives 14% of that return from
realized short-term gains and dividends, 4% of that return from
realized long-term gains, and 2% from unrealized gains. The 20%
annual gains turns out to be an actual 13.7% after-tax gain for a
high tax bracketed investor. This equates to a loss of over 31% of
the fund's total return due to taxes and this does not even take
into consideration potential state tax liability as well.
When Is a 20% Gain
Actually Less Than 13.7%
Pre-tax Returns |
Tax Rate |
After-Tax |
Short-Term Gains and Dividends |
14% |
39.6% |
8.5% |
Long-Term Gains |
4% |
20.0% |
3.2% |
Unrealized Gains |
2% |
0.0% |
2.0% |
Total Return |
20% |
-- |
13.66% |
Over 31% of total return is
lost to taxes!
Taxes and Mutual Funds
By now most investors know to
avoid purchasing mutual funds before their distributions, in regards
to taxable accounts. Over the past ten years, approximately 20% of
the investment return on the average equity mutual fund has been
lost to taxes. On an initial investment of $100,000, the amount lost
to taxes during those ten years would total over $65,000. This does
not even include the added transaction and administrative costs for
the fund, nor the additional state tax liability. Most mutual funds
leave investors vulnerable to short-term trading which creates
profits that are considered ordinary income taxed up to 39.6%. Taxes
can be even more of a nemesis to your after-tax return than high
fees and/or commissions. According to Morningstar, the least
tax-efficient mutual fund of the largest fifty gave up nearly 50% of
its return to taxes - that is a 9% cost per year! While some funds
try to minimize taxes, this strategy eventually becomes a mixed
blessing. The longer a fund has been managed in a tax efficient
manner, the bigger the amount of unrealized capital gains it will
have built up, exposing shareholders to a possibility of a huge
future tax hit. For example, the well managed Sequoia Fund has a
potential capital gains exposure of over 69% of its assets. If the
market soured and shareholder redemption's soared, these and similar
funds might have to sell long-term winners, triggering the tax. This
is why it is important to research a funds tax efficiency and
potential capital gains exposure, so you can maximize total
after-tax returns for all of our taxable mutual fund investments.
Index Funds
Taxing matters of index
mutual funds:
It is not a secret that index
funds which track the Standard & Poor's 500 have been the hottest
mutual fund ticket on Wall Street. The out-performance of index
funds of late has created an unprecedented surge of new investors
into index funds. Through the first 75 days of 1999, for example,
thirteen billion dollars out of the nineteen billion dollars that
flowed into equity funds went into large-cap index funds. That is an
amazing 68.4% of every dollar of equity mutual funds going into
index funds! During the same period last year, just 16.4% of total
equity fund flows went into large cap index funds, or only $6.8
billion of the $41.3 billion total. While index exposure should be a
part of most mutual fund portfolios, some of the attraction
(excellent recent performance and tax efficiency) of index funds
would dramatically swing against investors with any prolonged market
downturn. This same problem would be seen with tax managed funds,
another currently popular mutual fund concept. Both index funds and
tax managed funds accumulate large amounts of unrealized gains over
time. Prospective investors should carefully consider the following
when deciding whether to invest in an index or tax managed fund:
- the size of the fund's
unrealized capital gains,
- the growth rate of the
fund's embedded gains position,
- the likelihood of the
fund realizing embedded gains during your anticipated investment
Taking Time to Learn Online has always
stressed researching a mutual fund's risk level and total expenses
as much (if not more so) than its past performance. By doing this,
investors can buy the best performing funds (in accordance to their
risk level) that have the lowest cost. Thus, capitalizing on a
"dual" play for one's mutual fund investment by combining
solid performance with low cost. There is no better way to invest in
mutual funds over the long term. The Securities and Exchange
Commission has added a mutual fund cost calculator on its website (,
available to the public. This calculator features the total cost
(you must know the fund's expense ratio and sales commission), in
addition to the "foregone earnings" (what you lost in future
earnings with the money you paid out in costs). For example, a
$10,000 investment in a mutual fund with a 3.5% load and 1.25%
annual expense ratio that earns 12% per annum would cost $101,364
over 30 years. The same return and time period with a no-load fund
having a 0.37% annual expense ratio would cost $31,531. This
represents a total cost differential of $69,883 on an initial
$10,000 investment over the hypothetical 30 years. This cost
calculator is an excellent way to see the true cost, over time,
between loaded funds and no loads, plus the difference between high
cost versus cost efficient funds.
Why Your Broker/Advisor May
Be Pushing Class 'B' Mutual Funds
Their is a common
misconception that Class 'B' shares of mutual funds are a better
alternative for investors because the front end load (commission) is
not immediately taken out. The truth is Class 'B' funds tend to
reward the broker with higher total commissions/fees over the long
term. The broker or advisor not only receives an upfront commission
(typically 4 or 5 percent) but in addition the commission on Class
'B' shares are not discounted for larger deposits like they are in
Class 'A' shares. The chart below is the best illustration in
showing why you should avoid class 'B' shares at all costs. A
broker/advisor that sells $1M worth of Class 'B' funds a year for 10
years (assuming a conservative 8% annual return of assets) will net
$2,896,985 commission/fees over the next twenty years. In
comparison, a 5% Class 'A' loaded fund with no 12b-1 fees or
trailers would net the broker/advisor a total of $500,000. This
$2,396,985 of addition compensation is all internally generated from
your pooled mutual fund assets, and thus, unless you read the
prospectus you don't even know it is being taken out. Some brokerage
firms are actually using similar illustrations to what is seen below
to motivate brokers to push Class 'B' mutual funds, particularly in
circumstances where the initial investment is rather meaningful.
'A' Commissions |
Year |
Mutual Fund
Sales |
Up Front 5%
(First Year) |
1 |
$1,000,000 |
$50,000 |
2 |
$2,080,000 |
$50,000 |
3 |
$3,246,400 |
$50,000 |
4 |
$4,506,112 |
$50,000 |
5 |
$5,866,601 |
$50,000 |
6 |
$7,335,929 |
$50,000 |
7 |
$8,922,803 |
$50,000 |
8 |
$10,636,628 |
$50,000 |
9 |
$12,487,558 |
$50,000 |
10 |
$14,486,562 |
$50,000 |
11 |
$15,645,487 |
12 |
$16,897,126 |
13 |
$18,248,897 |
14 |
$19,708,808 |
15 |
$21,285,513 |
16 |
$22,988,534 |
17 |
$24,827,422 |
18 |
$26,813,616 |
19 |
$28,958,705 |
20 |
$31,275,402 |
$500,000 |
'B' Commissions |
Year |
Mutual Fund
Sales |
Up Front 5%
(First Year) |
.25% Trail
(Years 2-6) |
1% Trail
(years 7+) |
Compensation |
1 |
$1,000,000 |
$50,000 |
$50,000 |
2 |
$2,080,000 |
$50,000 |
$2,700 |
$52,700 |
3 |
$3,246,400 |
$50,000 |
$5,616 |
$55,616 |
4 |
$4,506,112 |
$50,000 |
$8,765 |
$58,765 |
5 |
$5,866,601 |
$50,000 |
$12,167 |
$62,167 |
6 |
$7,335,929 |
$50,000 |
$15,840 |
$15,869 |
$65,840 |
7 |
$8,922,803 |
$50,000 |
$15,480 |
$33,007 |
$81,709 |
8 |
$10,636,628 |
$50,000 |
$15,480 |
$51,516 |
$98,847 |
9 |
$12,487,558 |
$50,000 |
$15,480 |
$71,506 |
$117,456 |
10 |
$14,486,562 |
$50,000 |
$15,480 |
$71,506 |
$137,346 |
11 |
$15,645,487 |
$15,480 |
$93,096 |
$108,935 |
12 |
$16,897,126 |
$13,140 |
$116,412 |
$129,552 |
13 |
$18,248,897 |
$10,244 |
$141,594 |
$151,817 |
14 |
$19,708,808 |
$7,075 |
$168,790 |
$175,864 |
15 |
$21,285,513 |
$3,673 |
$198,162 |
$201,835 |
16 |
$22,988,534 |
$229,884 |
$229,884 |
17 |
$24,827,422 |
$248,274 |
$248,274 |
18 |
$26,813,616 |
$268,136 |
$268,136 |
19 |
$28,958,705 |
$289,587 |
$289,587 |
20 |
$31,275,402 |
$312,754 |
$312,754 |
$500,000 |
$158,398 |
$2,238,586 |
$2,896,985 |
Mutual Fund Update
The divergence in the market
has never been greater between the haves and the haves not. The
heroes of yesterday in the investment world finished their worst
year in history both of a relative and absolute basis. Warren
Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, has had the best investment record of
our time but his Berkshire Hathaway holdings finished down 49% in
1999. This was his first down year ever. Another past investment
star was manager of the Oakmark Fund - Robert Sanborn. Mr. Sanborn
was on the cover of Barron's as the best money manager in the
country just four years ago. His fund has lost an average of 4.4%
per year the past three years culminated by a drop of nearly 30% in
1999. So how did these stars fall from grace after years of
outperforming their peers? Better yet, what about those new funds
that specialize in high tech, biotech and telecom stocks that have
averaged triple digit percentage returns? The divergence is
absolutely incredible, and investors that have not invested in the
above three sectors can attest to not enjoying this great bull
market of late. Investors should remain flexible and invest in lower
cost mutual funds that match your risk tolerance. Chasing those high
double digit or even triple digit percentage returns is not the most
prudent thing to do with your monies currently. Investing in funds
that held companies like Coke and Procter & Gamble should also be
avoided because those stocks have been overpriced for several years
in comparison to their growth rates. So it is critical to
differentiate the fund managers that were buying Procter & Gamble,
for example, over $100 a share from those that may be accumulating
now at 1/2 that price. Investors are best served by investing in
funds that participate in the high growth areas without paying the
exorbitant prices. There are always bargains to be had - it is just
that during times like these they are much more difficult to
uncover. We suggest if you are invested in these high flying mutual
funds (and have a long term horizon) then you may wish to hold and
ride the volatile waves. If you are thinking about getting in, it is
better to limit your allocation in such funds so that the market
swings don't force you to get out at the wrong time. At times like
these it is best to err on the side of caution. We would adjust some
of the excessive gains made last year in the high tech sector back
into the more conservative side. This way investors high tech
exposure does not become too concentrated. After all, the average
high tech fund was up 187% in 1999 and is already up 36.4% the first
ten weeks of 2000. Investors were too scared about Y2K six months
ago - now they may be just too euphoric particularly regarding the
high techs, biotechs and telecoms.
Bank-Run Mutual Funds
The Wall Street Journal
recently featured an article on the poor performance of bank-run
mutual funds. (W.S.J. 8/14/00) Banks are getting aggressive in
their marketing of such funds to offset relatively flat deposit
and loan growth. The strategy was to increase the more
consistent fee generated income to stabilize earnings and cash
flow during times of decreased economic certainty. According to
the Wall Street Journal, the typical bank-run U.S. mutual fund
has badly lagged the mutual fund averages last year, and
continue to dramatically underperform this year as well. Two
examples where the outflow of money (despite banks' strong
marketing tactics) has been especially bad include Sun Trust
Banks of Atlanta and First Union of Charlotte. Like many banks,
which have never before emphasized the money management
arena, bank funds have typically not attracted the high quality
money managers and instead always seem to be following one or
two steps behind. The best example of this is with Sun Trust as
they did not even have a technology related fund until late 1999
after many high tech funds actually recorded triple digit annual
returns. Of course, establishing such a fund after such
amazing returns only set up Sun Trust fund investors for the
major NASDAQ plunge this spring - taking the blunt force of the
losses without the preceding positives. It is no wonder that Sun
Trust experienced $800m of the net overflows from its stock and
bond funds over the first half of 2000, while First Union fund
investors bailed out of $1.3b of fund assets during the same six
month period. Again according to the Wall Street Journal, almost
all banks have suffered as the overall tally would have been in
the red had it not been for Bank of America's Nations Funds Unit
which benefited by capturing hot growth manager Tom Marsico from
the Janus Funds.
Such dismal showings were
definitely not what the banks had in mind when they put this
emphasis on the fee based side of money management. When
customers yank their monies, the banks not only give up all
current and future fee revenue streams, but also lose the
opportunity to sell other even higher margin products into the
future. Many of the bank mutual funds also have sales charges
and/or added annual costs to compensate your private
banker/representative. (See other mutual fund
articles for specifics on what to analyze and research before
you purchase any mutual fund.) So the next time your banker
suggests a new investment for your retirement or
savings/checking account assets, make sure you investigate all
your options (including no loads outside of the bank) before you
give your "okay".
Investors learned last year the
importance of selecting the right mutual fund. Analyzing total mutual
fund expenses should also become more critical now that 20-30% annual
returns may be much less frequent than what we have recently
experienced. Index funds are easy to compare since their structure is
geared to match the corresponding index. Money management skill is
restricted (just mirroring index), so mutual fund expenses become one of
the main variables. Yet annual fees vary greatly even with index funds
as the table below illustrates. Of the five most costly funds four are
from insurance companies and one from a bank. ONE Fund, from Cincinnati
based Ohio National, has an incredibly high 1.58% annual fee for their
S&P 500 index fund. In comparison, Vanguard's S&P 500 Index Fund has an
annual expense ratio of 0.18%. When factoring in the 5% initial sales
charge with the ONE Fund and the no load of the Vanguard, then the total
cost differential between two S&P 500 index funds is truly amazing. In
an environment in which the market no longer goes straight up it is
imperative to look at the risk inherent with each fund as well as the
total costs. See more on mutual funds in our Mutual Fund section
including our warning over a year ago on why index funds may not be the
best place for your money. This warning was at the height of popularity
for index funds and last year these funds dramatically underperformed.
Funds With The Highest
Name |
Parent |
Expense Ratio |
Sales Charge |
Fund (S&P 500) |
National |
1.58% |
5.00% |
Equity Index |
Bancorp |
1.05% |
5.50% |
Mainstay Equity Index |
York Life |
0.94% |
3.00% |
Street: (Index 500) |
Northwestern Mutual |
0.85% |
4.75% |
American: Stock Index |
American General |
0.83% |
5.75% |
With The Lowest Fees |
Barclays: Shores S&P 500 |
Barclays Global Investments |
0.09% |
None* |
Trust Series I |
Street Global Advisors |
0.12% |
None* |
Vanguard 500 Index TR |
Vanguard Group |
0.18% |
None |
S&P 500 Index |
0.18% |
None |
S&P 500 Index |
Street Global Advisors |
0.18% |
None |
*exchange traded funds, that trade like
stocks, with commissions to buy/sell shares.
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It is more critical than ever to be in the right areas and to
invest prudently. Since the inception of we
have stressed to our readers to be properly diversified and
understand the risk they are taking with each of their
investments. Numerous investors have gotten out of high risk
tech stocks and mutual funds after reassessing their risk
parameters but what should investors that have not sold do now?
If you were underperforming before the attack and/or paying high
cost then the odds are that such dismal results will continue.
Do not feel that all investments will recover when the economy
and market in general recovers. There will be even greater
differences in performance between those that simply follow the
herd and those investors that take advantage of the herd's
Secondly, it is critical to reassess your risk parameters
and make sure you are properly diversified. For nearly two
years now we have been stressing to readers that if they are
overexposed to technology stocks, then it is important to lessen
one's exposure immediately. One of the reasons we felt any
stock market progress was limited was the continued high levels
of tech exposure we saw with new investors coming into our
offices. Even when this sector went down, investors were far
too optimistic and exposed in technology. Unfortunately many
investors were sold into this exposure through mutual funds
without understanding the inherent risk due to their extremely
high valuations.
A Look Back (9/24/01)
We stated at mid-morning last Friday that we may be at least
a temporary bottom for stocks. This was due to panic selling
from individuals, heavy margin calls and a very pessimistic
opening with tremendous shorting, which are all signs that a
turnaround was finally in order. We were buyers Friday, but too
many unknown variables are still out there to prevent prudent
investors from chasing stocks from significantly higher levels.
It was very positive from a shorter term perspective that the
market not only rebounded from their morning lows, as we
expected, on Friday but also held strong into Friday's close
(for which we were pleasantly surprised). Investors were really
stretching for reasons to buy last week after being closed four
consecutive days for the first time since WW I. Here are our
five most outlandish reasons we heard to buy, thus demonstrating
the extremes that led stocks to their worst week since 1940.
- Buy because the rebuilding of what the terrorists
destroyed will be a boom for the economy. This was the first
reason we heard to buy shortly after the attack. This is so
absurd that our only response would be that if we really
wanted a booming economy then we should all go home and
simply break all of our windows.
- Buy for patriotic reasons, another totally faulty
reason to buy stocks. If you want to donate monies to
charity that is one thing but don't confuse it with
investing. We actually stated in Member's Only on the day
after the attack that this could actually hurt stocks as the
people that bought last Monday actually panicked out on
Friday pressuring shares even further.
- Buy because we are oversold. We heard this as the
rationale for investors to buy on Monday because prices were
down so much even before the attack. What investors failed
to realize was that prices were only down from incredibly
over inflated levels from the dot-com bubble. So it took
until Friday with the NASDAQ down 72% and the D.J.I.A. down
over 30% until prices even got close to attractive levels.
- Buy because if they turn over Bin Laden prices
will soar. There were various versions of this including
when we attack prices will rise just like they did with the
Persian Gulf War (at least this one is a bit more
plausible), but all versions fall into the slim to none
likelihood category.
- Buy hotels because... Again many versions of this one
but our favorite was a Wall Street analyst from a major firm
recommending several hotel stocks early last week because
all the brokers in NYC were using their rooms at $199 a day
for work since they are now displaced. The more important
factor is that all their other hotels outside of NYC are
running at 10-20% occupancy from their typical 60-80%.
Class C Shares
If ever there was an example of how bad these alphabet share
classes of mutual funds really are for the individual investor one
only has to look at many current C shares money market funds.
Invesco Funds recently waived part of its fee it charges their class
C money market investors to keep their money market yield in
positive territory. The inherently larger expenses of a class C fund
actually brought Invesco money market fund’s yield down to 0.01%
last month. Management decided to waive 0.10% of its fee, thus
bringing the yield to 0.11%. Invesco’s Class C Money Market is
burdened with a 1.74% expense ratio at the same time the average
money market fund has an expense ratio at 0.61%. Mutual fund
investors should review the total cost of their funds now that
investment expectations are lower, plus with lower interest rates it
is more important than ever to watch costs closely even with money
market funds. Beware of the alphabet soup class funds that your
broker may be pushing on you, and always look at your total costs.
Cracking Down on Class B Shares
and Mutual Fund Switching
After years of writing about the dangers of B shares and how they
only benefit the broker that sell them to you, it is good to see the
regulators punishing brokers that sell such funds especially for larger
investors. In April 2001, broker Michael Grimes and branch manager of
St. Louis based Stifel Nicholaus, William Lasko, consented to fines and
suspensions over alleged violations concerning sales of class B shares.
Over a two year period 15 clients purchased more than $250,000 each of B
shares from Grimes. In addition to exceeding the limit set by the fund,
the NASDR argued that A shares would have been more cost effective for
his customers. The NASDR also cited Grimes for generating $21,000 in
gross from sales of B shares to 29 clients at the time when load waived
A shares for the same fund were available. More importantly, NASDR
enforcement Chief Barry Goldsmith, has recently stated that there are
numerous other investigations going on regarding both fund switching and
the sale of class B Shares. Brokerage firms are finally starting to wake
up to these abused as Pru Bache recently place a limit of $100,000 for
sales of class B as did A.G. Edwards.
My broker gets irritated every time I quote and
he says that much of your information is wrong. As a case in point
today he mentioned that the great number of no load funds turning to
loaded funds illustrates the importance and long term superiority of
loaded funds.
A: In the early
years of the mutual fund industry there were many more loaded funds
and as investors became more sophisticated no load funds began to
capture more market share. A few years ago the amount of no load
funds approximately equaled the total of loaded funds. Your broker
is right that many no load funds are switching to a loaded format
but not for the reason of superiority. In fact we can make the case
that it is just the opposite reason these funds are switching. Many
fund families have switched to a loaded format rather than sell
directly to investors because they could not raise money directly
from investors. A difficult recent market environment, poor
investment performance and/or a change in ownership are some of the
reasons these funds felt the need to obtain assets from an active
sales force. Some of the recent fund families that have converted to
loads included Invesco, Scudder, Credit Suisse Warburg Pincus and
Acorn Funds (Acorn was purchased by loaded Liberty Funds and that is
the reason for that change). So these are the main reasons for no
load funds switching to loaded funds, not the superiority your
broker suggests. We are not saying that no load funds are better
than loaded funds, only that investors should be aware of all the
costs before they invest. The fact that the average mutual fund
investor holds a fund less than 3 years only compounds the problem
of having sales charges on mutual funds. A recent study by Kanon
Bloch Carre looked at fund costs a different way then the typical
annual expense ratios. Their study looked at the percentage of a
fund's returns that was kept by the fund company as expenses. In
other words what fund families delivered the most return for your
dollar. Even though these figures did not take into consideration
the initial sales charge of the funds it is investing that all five
of the highest cost funds were load funds, while four of the five
lowest cost funds (for the five years ending 12/31/01) were of the
no load variety.

12b-1 Fees and Enhanced Payouts
After discussing all the negatives for unknowing investors in the
high cost of Class B and C funds it has been rewarding to see the
Securities and Exchange Commission cracking down on brokers selling such
funds, especially in the case of large amounts of assets. The latest
regulatory area of focus is on funds with 12b-1 fees. Even though these
added annual fees were created mainly for marketing purposes, it seems
many funds already with billions of assets, and some that are even
closed to new investors, still charge these extra fees for marketing. As
we have been stressing investors should get in writing the total annual
costs for each fund before you invest. This includes all fees,
commissions (if applicable) and transaction costs obtained from the
Statement of Additional Information. Another area to be aware of is the
extra incentives many companies are giving brokers who push their mutual
funds. Amid sagging sales during this relatively gloomy stock
environment many funds are offering brokers extra commissions and other
incentives. This induces brokers to sell their funds when many times
they would originally not sell them. This so called dealer re-allowance
is only found in the fine print of the prospectus and some of the major
fund families initiating such added incentives this year include MFS
Investments, Oppenheimer Funds and Zurich Scudder Investments. An
example of how this works: MFS is paying A.G. Edwards & Sons brokers up
to a 0.50% incentive to sell their funds for IRAs, this adds to the 17
fund families that they already receive boosted payouts on to push their
respective funds. If you have to go into a higher cost, loaded fund at
least make sure your broker or advisor is not getting added incentives
to push certain funds on you.
On December 23, 2002, the SEC forwarded NASD Notice to Members 02-85
to all NASD firms. This Notice was issued to highlight problems the NASD
and SEC have discovered during a series of special examinations focused
solely on front-end load mutual fund sales practices.
The examination is specifically focused on whether or not customers
purchasing front-end load mutual funds are being charged the most
beneficial (the lowest) sales charge percentage possible. The Notice
requires that each member firm examine its policies and procedures and
ensure that its sales force is properly educated in this area. This
action was taken because of the tremendous abuse by brokers not
informing their clients of possible sales charge discounts.
Not only the brokers but all investors should be aware of and keep
track of all breakpoints, rights of accumulation, letters of intent and
other discount scenarios when purchasing mutual funds. In order to
ensure that investors pay the proper sales charges, they should have
detailed knowledge of the terms of the prospectus for any fund before
making the investment. Breakpoint schedules, parties entitled to
aggregate for ROA purposes, and other significant details can vary from
fund to fund. The prospectus and statement of additional information are
obviously the best and most accurate sources for this information.
Clarification can also be obtained by contacting the fund company
directly. As a guideline, most open-end mutual funds provide the
following possibilities for discounting or waiving front-end sales
- Breakpoints
Based on schedules which vary from fund to fund, clients
purchasing over specified dollar amounts of the fund are entitled to
pay a smaller sales charge. Breakpoints can be reached via single
purchases, combined purchases, rights of accumulation or letters of
intent. Brokers must advise clients of potential breakpoint
discounts, particularly when the client is close to a breakpoint but
don't rely on this, know it yourself or look at no-load funds.
- Rights of Accumulation (ROA)
Investors are generally allowed to combine current and previous
purchases in the fund to reach a breakpoint on the current purchase.
- Combined Purchases
In most cases, investors are allowed to aggregate fund assets
held in their own accounts, and accounts of spouses and children for
purposes of calculating breakpoints. The parties whose accounts can
be combined vary from fund to fund. Investors should consult the
prospectus for specific information and aggregate accounts as
- Letters of Intent(LOI)
Investors can sign a statement expressing their intent to
purchase a specified amount of a fund over a 13 month period. All
purchases pursuant to the letter will be executed at the breakpoint
that will be reached upon completion of the purchases. Investors
should realize that if they fail to reach the amount required for
the breakpoint, the fund can retroactively charge the higher fee.
Many funds allow the client to "look back" 90 days from the date the
LOI is signed and include purchases from that time period. If this
option is chosen, the 13 month period will begin with the earliest
- NAV Transfers
If you already paid a sales charge on a mutual fund investors may
be able to switch to another family of funds without another sales
charge. Certain fund families (e.g. PIMCO, Hartford) allow clients
to purchase their funds at NAV if the purchase is made with the
proceeds of the sale of another A share mutual fund. The
requirements for the use of this provision vary from fund to fund
and investors should consult the fund prospectus for details.
- Reinstatements
Fund companies have varying policies allowing for the repurchase
of A share funds within certain time periods after liquidation. For
example, if an investor sells $10,000 of a PIMCO fund, he/she may
reinvest the redemption proceeds at net asset value within 120 days
of the redemption date. Investors must realize that the
reinstatement does not cancel the redemption for tax purposes and
any gain or loss may be recognized according to IRS regulations.
Individual funds may have limitations on the number of times a
client may use this option. Once again, investors should consult the
prospectus for details.
Many of the discount scenarios above can be used in conjunction with
each other. Given that the failure to use available discount/waiver
options is a violation of NASD regulations, your broker must take care
to use any and all available options when purchasing a mutual fund for
you. When buying loaded funds make sure you take note of all the above
scenarios for obtaining the lowest sales charge with each and every
Be Aware of Total Cost of Your Mutual Fund
A mutual fund's annual expense ratio is thought to recognize the
cost of owning a specific mutual fund. However, this number
considered by most as an industry cost standard can be very
deceiving. This is largely due to current accounting practices which
allow expense ratios to exclude a large chunk of the cost of running
mutual funds. These costs include commissions paid to brokerage
firms as well as other costs associated with trading stocks. Now
many people, including members of congress, are demanding greater
disclosure of commissions and other transaction costs. Many people
attribute these "hidden costs" to the reason why funds so often lag
behind the rest of the market. These costs, on average, hover around
2.2% of the amount traded, and none of it is readily apparent. While
it is undecided how these extra expenses should be made apparent and
accounted for, many believe that once such costs and commissions are
disclosed, there will be a sharp decrease in turnover. Listed below
are four funds that illustrate the potential differences between
their stated annual expense ratios and their actual total cost. In
some cases the actual total costs are nearly quadruple the stated
expense ratio as in the case of PBHG Large Cap Value Fund. Please
note that this article does not even discuss another critical
component in the total cost of your mutual fund and that is the tax
implications within your personal or trust assets. Having the most
tax efficient funds in your taxable accounts and non-efficient funds
within your retirement plans can save you as much (and in some years
even more) as the total annual costs of a fund each year.
Mutual Fund |
"Stated" Annual
Expense Ratio |
Non Disclosed
Commissions as a % of assets |
Actual Total
Annual Expenses |
RS MidCap Opp.
Strong Discovery
Marsico 21st Cen.
PBHG Large Cap Value
*PBHG class shares
May 2003